The Parable of the Lost Sheep has shown us how we have all sinned and have walked away from the safety and joy of God’s plan for us. But God knows that we have done this, and He provided the answer: Jesus. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leaves those who are safe in God’s plan to brave the dangers of the world, to take on those dangers to find that lost sheep who will surely die if not saved by Jesus. Jesus finds the lost sheep, puts the sheep on HIs shoulders, and carries the sheep that-once-was-lost-but-now-is-found home to safety. He doesn’t walk beside the sheep in this rescue–HE CARRIES the sheep. He bears the burden alone for the weight of the sheep. The sheep could not have returned to a whole and healthy relationship with God the Father and Jesus on its own.
Scripture references for today's topic:
Romans 5:8
Luke 15:4-6
Psalm 118:50
Scripture references for today's topic:
Romans 5:8
Luke 15:4-6
Psalm 118:50
PRE-SERVICE ACTIVITYWhile we waited for our friends to join us, we made our "Jesus Heals All Your Hurts" first-aid "kit".
DiscussionThe kid now has a “safety kit” armed with the scripture: Psalm 119:50.
We heard about the Parable of the Lost Sheep from the Gospel of Luke. We watched a video too. Fr. Steven gave us a little sermon. And we prayed. |
Craft Station
Food Station
Bible Training Station
Music & Games Station
Tabletop Games Station
We made Search and Rescue BaggiesDiscussion With Miss ShelleyIn the Parable of the Lost sheep, did other sheep search for the lost sheep? No, who went looking for the lost sheep? Jesus. Jesus was the only one who could rescue the lost sheep. Jesus want us to help look for other lost sheep too. He wants us to tell people about Jesus and how Jesus saves people from sin.
What we didWe made our Cross Sandwiches with cream cheese or peanut butter spread on miniature bagels. Then we used celery or carrots to make crosses on the top. And most importantly! We thanked God for the gift of Christ’s death on the cross before we ate our creation.
Cross SandwichesDiscussion With Miss SandiJesus died on the cross so we could be cleaned from our sins–we are no longer separated from God! Jesus said in the bible that He is the Bread of Life. This means that if we spend time with Jesus, read the bible, and pray we will be fed in our hearts and minds and our spirits.
What we didWe added blue Butterfly pea flower tea ice to our yellow lemonade and watched as the tea reacted with the acid in the lemonade to create amazing magentas and purples.
Color Changing LemonadeDiscussion With Miss SandiWhen we've asked Jesus into our hearts–our hearts and attitudes start to change from the ugliness sin left to the beauty God's wants.
What we didWe watched a puppet show about the first part of the Parable of the Lost Sheep.
Beat 13: Break Into Three Jesus leans over the edge of the cliff and safely gathers Lamby into his arms |
TheaterDiscussion With Miss DarcienLamby was sad and scared and in danger. He turned to Jesus when he cried for help. And Jesus was looking for him. Jesus braved all the dangers to look for Lamby. Just like the story, Jesus braved all the death that all of our sins brought. He chose to take all the sins that separate us from God. If we cry out to Jesus and ask Him to save us from the death sin brings, He does. He takes all the sin away from us. He saves us. He gives us a new LIFE! Why would He do this? [Let kids offer answers.]
[Have the kids turn to Luke 15:4-6 and place Yellow sticky note with the scripture reference in that place. Have a child, if possible, read the scripture outloud.] God keeps his promises. He promised to save us from our trouble, our sins. [Have the kids turn to Psalm 119:50 in their bibles and place a Yellow sticky note with the scripture reference in that place. Have a child, if possible, read the scripture outloud.] We see the truth that God loves so much he gave himself in the form of His Son, Jesus [Have the kids turn to Romans 5:8 in their bibles and place a Yellow sticky note with the scripture reference in that place. Have a child, if possible, read the scripture outloud.] We didn’t have to be perfect first. In fact, we can’t be perfect by ourselves. We can only be cleaned from sin because Jesus took all that sin on himself when He died on the cross and rose again. |
What we didTake two kids up to the front and have them place their hands behind their back. Have the other students close their eyes and put the heads down. Put a sheep in the hands of one of the kids standing at the front. Now the other kids can look up. They must take turns guessing who has the sheep in their hand just by noting non-verbal clues. After all the kids have guessed, reveal who has the sheep in their hands. All the students who got it right, get a point. Then repeat the process until everyone has had a chance to be up front. When everyone has had their turn, tally the points. The one with the most points wins the contest.
Jesus Takes Our Sin Away Science ExperimentDiscussion With Miss Darcien
Cleaned Hearts (cont'd)Discussion With Miss DarcienYesterday, our hearts were hidden under layers of "sin" string. But today we know that Jesus died and rose again to take away all our sins! [Cut the black strings from the hearts and put the sins in the trash.]
[This craft continues to Day Four, so gather the hearts and store for the next day.] |
What we didJesus will hop on one foot from lily pad to lily pad to save His lost sheep. [Children hop on one foot to each 7 chalked lily pad pic.]
Jesus will spin through the dark forest to save His lost Sheep. [Children spin three times using the three swirls chalked on the ground as a guide.] Jesus will bound across the raging river to save His lost sheep. [The children will jump with two feet close together, then far apart, then together, etc. matching their feet to the rocks in the "river".] Jesus will bear crawl through a deep cave to save His lost sheep. [Children drop to all fours and bear crawl, matching their hands to the bear paws on the ground.] Jesus will jump across lava to save His lost sheep. [Children long jump across lava image.] Jesus will hop backwards through spider webs. [Children hop backward on two feet matching their feet to the spider webs.] Jesus will celebrate with a happy dance when He finds His lost sheep! [Children can do any form of happy dance that the Holy Spirit moves them to do.] We followed Jesus through a dangerous course then celebrated at the end when He saves the lost sheep–US!
Jesus to the Rescue! Hopscotch CourseDiscussion With Miss PennyJesus will go anywhere and everywhere to find you. He loves you so much he wants to save you–just ask Him to save you.
Lost Sheep SongThe Lost Sheep Song
Play the Song: This Old Man (This song is sung to the tune “This Old Man”.) Jesus looks for his sheep, He sees two that are asleep, There are 10 more little sheep Very far away. He will bring them back today. Jesus looks for his sheep, He climbs up the hill so steep. He finds all his little sheep, All of them but one. His hard work is never done. Jesus looks high and low. Where did baby lambkin go? He will look everywhere, Until he finds his sheep. He will bring it home to sleep. (Repeat all three verses two more times or end as desired.) |
What we did
Get Rid of Sin GameDiscussion With Mr. NickJust like this game, it’s impossible for us to get rid of all our sin by ourselves. As much as we try to just stop doing bad things, we keep messing up. We have a sinful nature, or part of us that always leads us to sin. That’s because of the very first sin by the first people God created.
When all our fun was done. We gathered in the sanctuary to
Re-CapWe talked about what we learned and then we prayed for each other. |
Dismissal BlessingFather Steven blessed us and then we got our things together to wait for our family to get us. |
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References & Resources
This app is created by and is available on the Android, iOS and Amazon platforms. Follow this link to download this amazing app to take on the go and keep your kids engaged with God's Word.
And if you want to reinforce the biblical learning found in the app, Life.Church has accompanying worksheets to download for free!