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(To open a new tab for the order of service and readings click HERE.)
Readings · Opening · Lessons · Sermon · Prayers of the People · Confession · Sursum Corda · Sanctus · Prayer of Humble Access · Prayer of Consecration · Lord's Prayer · Fraction · Communion · Post Communion Prayer · Blessing · Dismissal
What started out as a gathering to relieve the isolation COVID 19 has imposed on us, has turned into a ministry to the nursing homes we can not visit at this time. The ladies of our church have been gathering for a little over a month to create handmade cards to distribute to the amazing people of the nursing homes we had been administering weekly devotions to prior to the lock-downs. This week we delivered about 15 cards and a bag full of goodies, both edible as well as practical, to our fellow citizens and believers alike.
Inspired to do more, we are already beginning to create Christmas cards for our friends at the nursing homes.
What started out as a gathering to relieve the isolation COVID 19 has imposed on us, has turned into a ministry to the nursing homes we can not visit at this time. The ladies of our church have been gathering for a little over a month to create handmade cards to distribute to the amazing people of the nursing homes we had been administering weekly devotions to prior to the lock-downs. This week we delivered about 15 cards and a bag full of goodies, both edible as well as practical, to our fellow citizens and believers alike.
Inspired to do more, we are already beginning to create Christmas cards for our friends at the nursing homes.
Music: "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"
Music and words by Martin Luther (1529). Translated by Frederick Hedge (1853). Public Domain. Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved. USED BY PERMISSION. Administrated worldwide at, excluding the UK which is adm. by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family.
Music and words by Martin Luther (1529). Translated by Frederick Hedge (1853). Public Domain. Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved. USED BY PERMISSION. Administrated worldwide at, excluding the UK which is adm. by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family.