Rector - Fr. Steven Balog

Fr. Steven T. Balog is a retired army chaplain. He served sixteen years as a chaplain, three years as a combat engineer and four years as a military police officer. In his twenty-three years of Army service, he participated in four combat deployments earning a Bronze Star for actions under direct fire.
Fr. Balog served as Pastor and Caregiver for thousands of soldiers and their families as unit Chaplain before he retired in Lawton, Oklahoma where he was asked by the ACNA Bishop of the Armed Forces to start an Anglican parish, St. George's Anglican Church. At that time, he owned two Local businesses, Redd Rhenn Brewing Homebrew Supply and GarryOwen Brewing Company. He closed the doors to both businesses and moved, in 2017, to Prescott Valley, Arizona to fulfill the role as rector to Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit.
Fr. Balog served as Pastor and Caregiver for thousands of soldiers and their families as unit Chaplain before he retired in Lawton, Oklahoma where he was asked by the ACNA Bishop of the Armed Forces to start an Anglican parish, St. George's Anglican Church. At that time, he owned two Local businesses, Redd Rhenn Brewing Homebrew Supply and GarryOwen Brewing Company. He closed the doors to both businesses and moved, in 2017, to Prescott Valley, Arizona to fulfill the role as rector to Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit.