Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this tab are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Anglican Church in North America, the Western Anglicans Diocese, or Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit. The primary purpose of this tab is educational in nature; examining contemporary approaches to worship, men's ministry resources and life building skills.
Fair Use Notice: This tab contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner for educational use. Under the “Fair Use” Act, a copyrighted work can be used, cited or incorporated within another author’s work legally without needing a license if it’s being used explicitly for things like news reporting, researching purposes, teaching, commentary, criticism, and other such uses. |
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Praise Videos
The Following are Praise Videos. Not your classic Hymns but some new Guitar Shredding tunes. We linked them from You Tube, they are not ours but the Description gives credit to the Various artists.
Christian ROCK!
Christian Rock. Again not ours but descriptions give credits. For enjoyment use only.
We are currently in preparations stage to feature the Wild at Heart Series. The series is focused on being a Christian Man. Please check their website for full information. The following are some Man clips.